Lache Primary School (On-Site)
Temporary, Term time
No DBS check required
25,979 pro rata
17.5 hours
Role vacancy: Learning mentor with occasional class cover and pastoral support
General description:
To work collaboratively with the teaching staff and other support staff to enhance the development and education of children in accordance with the aims and policies of the school. Provide a complementary service to school staff which addresses the needs of individual and targeted groups of pupils in order to help improve self-esteem and raise standards of achievement. Consult and liaise with the schools concerned and relevant personnel in the LEA, particularly in the education welfare service and Behaviour Support Team. To support the promotion of attendance throughout school and strategies to improve attendance.
Main responsibilities:
Monitor individual pupil’s progress, achievements and development and report these to the teaching staff/line manager to inform decisions taken regarding the Individual Education Plan, Behaviour Plans and Personal Care Programmes for a pupil.
Access and update the full range of pupil records to facilitate assessment of pupils’ progress.
Liaise with parents/carers and other professional staff and outside agencies to ensure effective communication concerning the maintenance of pupils’ wellbeing.
Supervise the activities of individual or groups of pupils, both in and out of the classroom (including educational visits) to ensure their safety and facilitate their physical and emotional development in accordance with the School’s managing behaviour strategies.
Attend staff and other meetings and participate in staff training development work and staff reviews as required
Work alongside Headteachers and school staff to identify pupils who may be at risk of failure.
Work directly with the pupils and their families to identify barriers to learning and establish a personal action plan and a pastoral support plan as appropriate.
Establish and maintain supportive relationships with pupils with the clear aim of developing strategies which re-engage them within education in the wider sense.
Work with colleagues to monitor and review the needs of identified pupils.
Monitor and review personal action plans and pastoral support plans, where in existence, and report on a regular basis to the Headteachers of the appropriate schools.
Attend relevant meetings to provide data and written progress reports which may be required by the schools for the implementation, monitoring and success of the mentoring programme.
Notwithstanding the detail in this job description, in accordance with the School's/Council’s Flexibility Policy the job holder will undertake such work as may be determined by the Headteacher/Governing Body from time to time, up to or at a level consistent with the Main Responsibilities of the job.
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